Master of Arts in Writing

The Master of Arts in Writing from the University of North Alabama is a 36-semester-hour program offering courses in creative writing, technical writing, grant writing, document design, and publishing, as well as composition theory. Through this degree, you will gain deep experience in the types of writing required in today’s professional, academic, technical, and creative communities. In addition to coursework, many students participate in paid writing internships which provide real-world experience and contacts to build a bridge to their writing careers.

Three track options are available for the writing master’s program:

Technical Writing

Specialize in the technical communication used in a variety of fields including aeronautics, robotics, finance, and HCI/UX.

Rhetoric & Composition

Further your study of writing, research, and writing instruction, especially if you plan to pursue teaching or further academic study.

Creative Writing

Hone your writing craft in fiction, creative non-fiction,and/or poetry. Also expand your options for professional writing in areas such as copywriting and creative content writing for a variety of platforms.


Time to Complete
Variable, but as few as 2 years


Modality Offered
100% Online , some electives on campus



Why North Alabama?

The MA in Writing program at the University of North Alabama is dedicated to helping writers develop skills and insights that are valued highly by employers in virtually all professional fields. Writing involves the study of humankind in relation to community, work, religion, and individual identity.

The Master of Arts in Writing Curriculum

Core Course of Study 1
EN 602W Introduction to Graduate Studies: Writing Seminar 3
Select one of the following tracks: 33
Total Hours 36


Required Component
EN 539 Technical Editing 3
EN 545W Multimodal Writing 3
EN 615W Technical Writing 3
EN 694W Directed Final Project 3-6
EN 695 Thesis Defense 0
Elective Component
Select 18 - 21 credits from the following: 18-21
Students who complete only 3 hours of EN 694W are required to complete 21 elective hours
EN 534W
Language and Gender
EN 540W
Grant Writing
EN 542
Survey of Grammar
EN 572W
Rhetoric: Argument and Style
EN 575W
Literacy, Culture, and Writing
EN 595W
Selected Topics in Writing
EN 609W
Rhetorical Theory and Culture
EN 625W
Document Design
EN 635W
Publishing Practicum
EN 641
English Linguistics
EN 660W
Writing Internship
EN 691W
Selected Seminar in Writing
EN 697
Independent Study
Total Hours 33


The Master of Arts in Writing program at the University of North Alabama is taught by a vibrant and dedicated group of faculty members, with real-world experiences, academic achievements, and publishing credits.


The faculty dedicated to the on-campus and online writing master’s program include:

Sidney Blaylock, PhD, Assistant Professor

Daryl Brown, Professor

Erin Fitzgerald, PhD, Assistant Professor

Pam Kingsbury, Senior Instructor

Kelly Latchaw, PhD, Assistant Professor

Nick Mauriello, PhD, Professor, Program Coordinator, MA in Writing

Jason McCall, Assistant Professor

Cheryl Price, PhD, English Dept. Chair, Associate Professor

Tammy Winner, PhD, Professor

What can I do with a Master of Arts in Writing?

In a rapidly changing world, business, industry, and academia increasingly demand the skills of written communication. Writing the Great American Novel isn’t the only way to earn a living as a writerand many professionals earn lucrative incomes as technical writers, creative writers, editors, social media campaign managers, and digital writing leaders.


"Through the close mentorship of my professors, UNA’s MA in Writing program allowed me to turn my passion into my career. UNA provided me with a highly developed skillset, diverse portfolio, successful thesis project, and the confidence to land my dream job before I even graduated. Now, my studies in technical writing are helping me to send humans to the Moon, Mars, and beyond working as a technical writer at NASA! The sky isn’t even the limit."

Taylor Goodwin

Technical Editor II | ASRC Federal

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Admissions Requirements

Admission into the on-campus or online Master of Arts in Writing program at North Alabama includethe following requirements:

Unconditional Admission:

  • Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
  • At this time, the GRE or other test scores have been suspended.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • A writing sample of approximately 10 pages, which can include multiple pieces in several different genres.

Conditional Admission:

Applicants who satisfy all requirements for unconditional admission except for the minimum scholastic (grade) requirement but who have an overall grade point average of 2.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale) may be admitted on conditional status subject to attainment of grades which include no more than three semester hours of C and no grades lower than C on the first three graduate courses (nine semester hours) for which they are enrolled.

Transfer Admission:

In addition to the general requirements for Transfer Admission to Graduate Studies (See General Regulations and Procedures), up to 6 semester hours of graduate credit by transfer will be accepted with the approval of the graduate program coordinator. Exceptions must be approved by the graduate program coordinator, department chair, and college dean.

View the full requirements here


Application Deadlines

Applications are considered immediately upon receipt, and admissions decisions are made within three weeks. Students applying for assistantships or departmental endowed scholarships must apply to the graduate program by January 15 in order to be eligible for awards beginning in August.


Tuition and Aid

On Campus and Online: $495 per credit hour plus fees. 

Non-resident: $990 per credit hour. UNA in-state tuition includes counties in Mississippi and Tennessee that are within 50 miles of campus.

The University of North Alabama is committed to providing a quality education at an affordable cost. UNA is offering new and expanded scholarship opportunities:

  • The New Start Scholarship: New students enrolled in any bachelor’s degree program, any graduate program (online or on-campus), certificate, or micro- credential will automatically qualify for the New Start Scholarship. With it, students enrolled in at least two courses will receive their first course free. Plus, for a limited time, they will pay no application fee. 
  • The UNA Alumni Scholarship: This scholarship provides an automatic 15 percent tuition scholarship to UNA alumni who enroll in any graduate program (online or on-campus), certificate, or micro-credential. This scholarship will be applied to newly admitted students beginning in Summer 2021.
  • The Military Heroes Scholarship: This scholarship provides an automatic 25 percent tuition scholarship to any active duty, veteran, or current member of the National Guard or Reserves who enrolls in an online bachelor’s degree program, any graduate program (online or on- campus), certificate, or micro-credential. This scholarship will be applied beginning Fall 2021 to all students who qualify.

For additional information on financial aid and scholarships that can help you pay for your tuition, textbooks, housing, and more, you can access

2023-2024 Tuition Cost

Master of Arts in Writing

On Campus: $495 per credit hour plus fees

Online: $495 per credit hour plus fees for 36 credit hours.

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